Why offer upfront rates and delivery dates
Increased sales
Giving customers a choice can get you the sale. 20% of shoppers will complete their online purchase if offered delivery speed options at checkout.
Shoppers want options
Reduce shopper frustration by setting clear delivery expectations.
Get real-time costs
Your customers can enter a delivery destination, and see multiple pricing options.
Here's how it works
Merchants and retailers can integrate real-time rates and delivery dates (called Rating) to deliver a better end-to-end shopping experience:
- When a customer places an order, your website will call our shipping and rates database.
- You provide size and weight specs for the parcel and all eligible shipping methods and costs will be provided to the customer.
- You or your customer can select the preferred shipping method based on desired speed or cost.
How to get started

Talk to a specialist
If you’re interested in learning more about how offering real-time shipping rates and delivery dates to customers can work for your business, get in touch with one of our ecommerce specialists.

Access through your existing platform
We have a network of ecommerce partners who already have our shipping, fulfillment, delivery and returns services integrated into their platforms. See if Rating is offered by your platform provider.

Want to DIY with a developer?
You can display shipping rates and delivery dates (called Rating) on your website through our Developer Program. Get access to our API keys and plugins here.